I spent new years eve distressing my dark stained sideboard!! (of course, what else would you be doing on NEW YEARS EVE??!!)...sigh...ah well. My hubby is still away in the middle east and Beth had gone to her own new years eve party at a friend's house...so i was HOME ALONE!..you might think that's sad...but no! (well, i was sad when I thought of seeing the new year in without my honey...then I got over it and got on with some painting!! lol)...
So...my distress bug is working overtime...(THANKS MARIA!!)and here are the results of the last two days elbow grease....Oh so out of order...grrr...I just can't get this blogger to load the pics in the order I want just now...never mind...you'll get the gist of it...
I have no before of this chair...it was one I got second hand and was a kind of leaf green with shiny poly finish...oh yeah I hear you sighing...not!...so now it is shabby chic white...quite pleased with it tho must say painting furniture with lots of twirly, knobbly bits and pieces can be a bit of a drag!!...still...worth it ...
And here it is in all it's glory, back with my family pics onboard...really very happy with the end result which actually took WAY MORE time and effort...because...I learned a valuable lesson....YOU CAN'T PUT ACRYLIC PAINT OVER OIL PAINT/STAIN...OH DARN!!! ...I painted a coat on...and this brown was kind of seeping thru...odd, I thought...another coat...same...another...not really taking that well....oh..no..! don't tell me...bet that's oilbased under there...the realisation that my 'instant gratification project' had become far from instant began to dawn on me. I visualised my first purchase of 2011 was going to be a tub of paint stripper...oh joy. But the more I looked at it - glared more like it, over my cup of 'what am I going to do now coffee'... the more I was SURE I could do something about it...so I made the decision to scrape the white off...all three layers...with a bladed scraper...BAD CHOICE...managed to gouge bits of wood here and there out of the surface...very distressed now, both me and the sideboard!!...Some paint came off like slicing cheese on one of those wire cutters, just rolling up at the touch of the blade...but some wouldn't budge. So I ended up with this horrid patchy dark/white 'thing'...bit like a leopard spotted sideboard...only with squareish spots!!...so, wasn't too happy with that. As I pondered it all over a(nother) cup of tea (had to switch to tea as the coffee was going to keep me up all night...oh I could've..it's new years eve!!)... I decided that maybe 'rubbing' thin layers of paint on might work, it might take better than the thicker application of painted layers...should work, right? cos it was sanded and all, so should've 'taken'...and then began about 4 layers of rubbing the paint on in swirling movements...making it look cloudy. And VOILA!! It became a thing of beauty! (well,except for those gouges...but we'll keep that our little secret!)...
And now it's not :)
But I thought the sideboard was really nice in that dark antique stain, sigh, never mind, wouldn't want to distress you sister dear, hehe. I did like it actually.