Meant to include in todays post a couple of pics my sis sent me of her darling daughter Sally (on the right) with her friend happily showing off their delicious creation! And below them is another pic of a cake Sally made...ooooh be still my chocolatey heart!! Don't you love it when your children love to do what you do? My sister is a wonderful baker too..we all love to cook and 'feed people' in our sister even has a restaurant of her own...very successful too. But back to at home baking...I love it that Beth loves to warms my heart. And when my girls and son just love to come into the kitchen, lured in by the delicious's so encouraging, rewarding and heartwarming! Even when they just come to visit, invariably they make their way thru the kitchen know...just in case!! (with a quick whip open of the fridge and pantry for at least one of'll have to guess which one ;))
Anyway..without further ado...Sally and friend...and divine cakery!!!

Thanks for stopping by :)
Must find some pics of Beths cooking too to share with you all.
Bon Appetit..and happy blogging!
luv jessie x
I'm Sally's friend haha I hadn't seen that photo :D It's rather nice I think ... just like the cake :P