This is a mannequin I made for a womens Recycled Wearable Art event we put on...I made a foyer display of various mannequins...so I actually MADE the mannequin by wrapping an actual mannequin in gladwrap then building up the body by wrapping it in packaging tape ALL OVER!! Several layers - definitely a labour of love!! Then I paper mached/collaged all over with girly images and recycleish words...when dry I cut it off the mannequin, removed it then taped it back together - up the back. I was very pleased with the effect. Its a little bent on the bottom left now as she got squashed recently when she fell off my dressing table :( But isn't she lovely?!

And these are the fabric flowers I made after being so TOTALLY inspired by Bryanna from thecanaryscupcake.blogspot.com - check out her blog - you'll be blown away! So so beautiful. And she described how she made the gorgeous flowers...so I had a go. I'm hooked! Between her and Rhonna Farrer at House of Three...flower power is reigning in my house right now!! So friends and family - you know what you're getting for Christmas!! haha.
Thanks for checking out my post...happy creating
luv jessie
Wow, wow, wow this looks amazing! LOVE the flowers :-) Kate