Well! I just discovered my (new) webcam can be used for other than skyping my darling man when he's overseas! It can take photos right here!! so while my camera is out of action I can still capture my latest craftings right here!...but i have to bring them into my wee office to my computer...ah well..a small price to pay I guess!
Sooo these pics are my latest flowers and cuffs! yes! I've discovered the b-e-a-utiful thing called a 'cuff'! Basically a fabric bracelet, I guess....so I cut/ripped up some old calico from a curtain i've had for a hundred years - well not really, just had 'forever' if you know what I mean! (give or take!) I 'vanilla dyed' some lace (soooo nice! and delicious smelling for now too!- came across the idea in Somerset Life)...and made my first one! And wore it out tonight!!...sadly it was a freezing night and it barely peeked out of my sleeve...ah well...and i've got another ready to sew, but as it's 11pm i'd best not do it now!! Just blogging while the electric blanket on my bed is heating up! Then its off to bed I go!!!

So..here is my first cuff sitting amongst some other paraphenalia by my computer...some bits and bobs...

Cos it does look good, don't you think? Kind of edgy, chunky feminine cuff!! :)
Love your cuff!! Aren't they fun to make - VERY addictive :)