Don't you just love finding something you can make QUICKLY, out of practically NOTHING and it's STUNNINGLY effective?? Well here's something like that...I went to a ladies evening at my daughter's church..a night of Christmas crafts and food to inspire (I was making salads!)...and one of the lovely ladies there, Gloria, showed us how to make these paper stars. So amazingly simple and yet stunningly effective. They'll look great in a long garland or to decorate an empty spot. And depending on the size of your piece of paper, you can change their size..
The white ones are simply computer paper...I've sprayed one silver on one side and red on the other and that looks effective too, and cheaper than buying coloured paper (I think!) Will take a pic of that when dry.

Isn't it just so lovely??

As soon as I saw Gloria making them I thought how lovely would it be to make one (or many!) out of my mothers sheet music? Bringing a bit of mum into this year's Christmas :) Looks cool don't you think? It looks great particularly due to the music being very old with the vintage colour of old paper...gorgeous! I'm going to pin it to the wall over the piano, which was also my mums.
And this one was simply made out of magazine pages! Which is what Gloria's were made of...nice glossy paper that folds well and has a reasonable weight to it...

If anyone's interested I can do a photo pictorial of how to make them if you like. Just leave me a comment, or email me and I'll pop a tutorial on here :)
And for some reason I couldn't load my wreath and tree photos...:( Will go try again.
ciao bellas
and Christmas blessings to you all!!
luv jessie xx
Love a tutorial please, Ann