Well, had my wee eye op...but feeling really good today and all is ok if I pretty much keep my eyes downward! So I couldn't resist making some...yes, you guessed it...fabric flowers! made some lovely vintage roses from old teatowels, table napkins, a fab silk blouse from a wonderful NZ designer, Trelise Cooper, that I got really cheap on Trademe, but sadly didn't fit...and it's just sat in my wardrobe for an age...and then on my mannequin...and then back in the wardrobe...!! So today I took the scissors to her and now she has become a garden of roses ready to adorn something or other...lovely! I love the tattered edges of the ripped fabrics...am thinking I might make some bags (totes)...been inspired by some on Etsy - haven't seen anything like it here in little ole NZ...so hey...might just have to make my own. :)

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